My Other Characters
Infos about other characters created by me.
Name: Ronald
Species: Long-eared snuggle bunny
Sub-Species: Star bunny
Age: 2 years
Housing: Bunny warren in Bunny Ville
Favorite meal: Carrots, turnip cabbage, dandelion, fruit smoothie
Favorite music: Songs of Schnuffel and Schnuffelienchen
Special Skills: Magical powers of his own, some fighting skills.
Ronald is a friend of Angelina my fursona Amanda. He spends
a lot of tome with them. And he also belongs to the species of a star snuggle
bunny. Ronald likes carrots, turnip cabbage and dandelion. He likes to train his
fighting skills together with Amanda.
Name: Angelina
Species: Long-eared snuggle bunny
Sub-Species: Star bunny
Age: 3 years
Housing: Bunny warren in Bunny Ville
Favorite meal: Carrots, fresh herbs, dandelion, fruit smoothie
Favorite music: Songs of Schnuffel and Schnuffelienchen
Special Skills: Magical powers of her own.
Angelina is the friend of Ronald and my fursona Amanda. She spends
a lot of tome with them. And she belongs to the species of a star snuggle
bunny as well. Angelina likes fresh herbs and even has a own herb garden. She likes to
play with other bunnies and she's always cheerful.
Name: Sunny
Species: Long-eared snuggle bunny
Sub-Species: Solar bunny
Age: 24
Housing: Bunny warren in the bunny sky town
Favorite meal: Daisies, fresh herbs, dandelion, buttercups
Favorite music: Melodic songs, Schnuffelienchens songs
Special Skills: Magical powers of her own.
The next Schnuffel OC I've created. Her name is Sunny. She's a solar bunny. Sunny is a cheerful person and always nice to others. Sometimes she is also a bit naive and gullible, but glad to help other people, if neccessary. Sunny is a big fan of Schnuffelienchen, but she also likes Schnuffel and his songs.
Name: Solaria
Species: Long-eared snuggle bunny
Sub-Species: Star bunny/solar bunny hybrid
Age: Unknown
Housing: Shooting star castle up in the sky
Favorite meal: Daisies, fresh herbs, dandelion, fruits
Favorite music: Love songs, melodic songs, harp music
Special Skills: Strong Magical powers providing through her sun-shaped pendant and also strong magical powers of her own.
Another Schnuffel OC I've created. Her name is Solaria. She's half star bunny and half solar bunny. Solaria is a gently, cheerful person and she's wisely and knows a lot. She wears a magical pendant in the shape of a sun with a red gem on it. It gives Solaria strong magical powers. She's surrounded by a shiny glowing light. Solaria loves to find new friends to play with. She defends her friends. In an emergency even with her magical powers.
Name: Lunaris
Species: Long-eared snuggle bunny
Sub-Species: Moon bunny
Age: Unknown
Housing: Shooting star castle up in the sky
Favorite meal: Carrots, daisies, dandelion, buttercups
Favorite music: Love songs, melodic songs, lullabies
Special Skills: Magical powers providing through a circle-shaped pendant with a half moon on it. He also has magical powers of his own.
This is the little brother of Solaria. His name is Lunaris. He is a moon bunny and a baby at the moment. He is a bit shy with strangers but he is open-minded, if he trusts a person. He loves to cuddle. Like his sister, Lunaris is surrounded by a shiny glowing light. And he also has magic powers providing through circle-shaped pendant with a half moon on it. But he doesn't know how to handle it for now.
Name: Herzchen
Species: Long-eared snuggle bunny
Sub-Species: Pure love bunny.
Age: unknown
Housing: A hidden cave near a pond in the enchanted forest
Favorite meal: Fruits and herbs
Favorite music: Love songs, melodic songs
Special Skills: Magical powers providing through her sunflower-shaped pendant. The power of love.
This is the fourth guardian of the element fragments. Her name is Herzchen, which mean little heart in German.
She is a pure love bunny and has one of the six element fragments, the pendant of life and nature. And she also has
the power of love and is similar to Amor, the god of love in some way. She's surrounded by a bright pink colored light.
Herzchen is a very kind and sweet bunny girl and she likes flowers a lot.